Day 3 Good Clean Fun – Window Sills

14 11 2014

Window sill dust

Window sills are a bit of a novelty as I didn’t have any in my previous home. I have however discovered, that while they afford me the space to display some of my knickknacks, they are also dust magnets. So today I banished the cobwebs, dust and debris, so now my ornaments are showcased to perfection on each polished ledge.

Tips: Try to remove dust and dirt before adding any liquid as the muddy residue is difficult to remove from corners and try not to get wood soaked so not to damage the paintwork and make sure you dry the sill thoroughly afterwards.

I used a dry duster to remove any dirt before mixing some detergent in warm water. I used a microfiber cloth to wipe down each surface and dried with a paper kitchen towel. As I was doing this I took the opportunity to dust my ornaments including one of my tea light holders was filled with the remains of a bunch of flowers.

Window sill dirtThis was a moderately satisfying job as the results were visible and I did tackle the window sills in each room so I felt I had achieved something in the kitchen:

Window sill 4

the longue:

Window Sill

master bedroom:

Window sill 2and the baby’s bedroom:

Window Sill 3

I am rewarding myself with a cup of tea and a biscuit – but I will be sure not to get any crumbs on the carpet.



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